Tuesday, January 11, 2011

X number of issues Nokia Should fix at least by 2011

Nokia Phones and common problems 2010/2011

 We all are Nokia and Symbian fans no doubt ,but we like to see improvements in a lot of areas as we have some draw backs in the lovely Phones from Nokia for years.This article is a reaction to Steve Litchfield’s  “ Ten things Nokia need to fix in their smartphone software in 2011” at Allaboutsymbian.com . Here is a list of Bugs that Nokia phones mostly have and need to be addressed immediately ,I did not mention the exact number in the title ,giving space for you all to add your opinions and the issues found on the Nokia . X- is a factor to be replaced with all of our comments !( Just click here to get our free email news updates ,so you will not miss any upcoming mobile news !) Disclaimer : Some points are already mentioned in the Steve’s article but I take the key items, I too agree with him and something new from my very own brain

No 1 ) Fix the RAM leakages and Ram Size Issues : Yes ,Nokia has to fix it and the number one priority given to this. Specially in Symbian S60V5 devices and Symbian^3 devices . Once I wrote that I am shamed to use the Nokia N97 in front my friends who use other devices ,as when ever I  want to show off them an application it gets stuck at the time of opening  . But the same app worked fine at home . Cannot predict when your phone goes crazy ! it is a painful experience really.
No 2) Fix the Nokia Phones by Offering Windows Like Time based Recovery System : Theoretically it is possible to offer a way to resume your phone to a prior stage. My friend uses a Samsung Galaxy S with Android 1.5 ,If it get stuck ,just restart the phone ,it will work like a charm .No need to do a hard or soft reset and loose all of you data apps like we do with out Nokia Phones . As most of the Nokia fans are applications junkies ,there are chances to get a OS crash ,Nokia can offer a System Restore feature like Windows OS does.
No 3) Fix Nokia Messaging : It sucks . Drains the battery. Stop listening to the commands . If you made it to off line ,have to restart the phone to make it online . Some times cannot add email accounts . Totally it is unstable at all.
No 4) Fix Memory Management :I run Free Memory Bars to see my N97’s memory status . When I start the N97 I have 40 MB free RAM , for instance ,I launch an app A then memory reduces to 28 MB ,I launch another App B ,now the memory becomes 14MB ,ok .. I quit the App B now and you should get back the RAM 14 MB ….it means 28 MB free right ? ,but you will not get such free RAM ,as the OS fails to manage the RAM properly ,like wise memory keeps reduced for some time and ends up with 8 MB free when you don’t run even a single app . This should be addressed with all New phones if it still continues .[I restart my N97 to regain the memory ,what do you do ? ]
There are many issues to address but I like to have a very important issues  that cannot be over come via third party software(if you say we should have better SMS system,we have lot of third party apps to do it ) .
And here my list ends for the moment ,I will update this post by picking up the major issues mentioned by you at the comments section here.
Let us know ,what problem of the Nokia phone should be fixed soon from your own experience .

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